All Around Hollywood
Are Damsels, Princes and Vultures.
We Have to Know What's Going On
POP! Goes Our Culture
Welcome to my new blog, Pop Goes Our Culture. OK, you may be saying "What happened to your old blog, where you talked about babies and children shared your knowledge about Child Development?" Well, if you followed it at all, you know I was hardly ever able to post on it. I mean, I do that stuff all day so it seemed it would be the perfect topic for a blog, right? Wrong. I was getting incredibly burned out writing it. Hence, why I hardly took the time TO write it. I felt that, if I began to write on a topic, I wanted to be true to the subject matter, be thorough, as people were using it for advice in raising children! It would take me three hours to complete one entry. Way too much stress on something that should be a joy, right?
Still, once I stopped writing it, I felt like I missed it. But what kind of blog could a person like me write that would allow me to escape for a little bit each day? That would allow me to connect with people, rather than just having people read what I have to say? What do I have in common with other people that I could blog about and maybe have a dialog? I KNOW! Pop Culture!
Most people, like myself, follow what's going on in our culture to some degree. Politics, Hollywood, Broadway-- fashion shows, football games, music! We all know what we like, we like to be entertained! And when entertained, whether it be entertainment on purpose or just being entertained by life itself, everyone has an opinion on what the heck just happened! So I'm going to use this blog to write about what I want to write about. And I'd love for it to be a two-sided coin. Like what you read? Let me know! Disagree with me? Please let me know that as well. This blog can be a dialog. Or, you can just read it, I hope you will read it, and just listen to my opinions. After all, it's what we all really want anyway!
Lastly, because I am going to use this as a two-way street (so to speak), I get to set the ground rules. Please comment as much as you want and feel free to disagree. However, do not belittle the opinions of others or use obscene language. I'm not sure who will read this. I don't want any children to be harmed in the making of this blog! Plus, I don't want you to come off looking like a total tool so keep it cool. If you comment on what I say, that's great. If you feel the need to comment on what someone else says, then keep it respectful. I will just delete anything I deem as unnecessary or vulgar so don't waste your time writing something that will get deleted. You don't want to waste your life, right?
OK, I'm going to go start dinner and then on to my first topic...
Can't wait to read more!